On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Anton Vodonosov <avodono...@yandex.ru>wrote:

> Hello.
> I just successfully cross-compiled ECL head (git revision
> 09ae1f43c0cf244cdba5c9690e301c8a1aab2458) for ARM (arm9tdmi, linux).
> Minor fixes were required.
> 1. chmod + ecl_min and dpp in the installation of "build" ecl, in the
> directory {prefix}/lib/ecl-10.7.1/
> 2. Fixes in the generated build/cross_config (my resulting cross_config is
> attached)
> 2.a) Add CL_INT_BITS and CL_LONG_BITS declaration (similar to
> 2.b) The declaration ECL_LONG_LONG_BITS=no geneted by default doesn't work
> (the
>     relevant build error log is attached). Probably it was meant to have _T
> instead of _BITS
>     (by analogy with other settings in this section). I defined both
>     ECL_LONG_LONG_BITS (my environment has the long long type, therefore I
> specified concrete values here).
> 2.c) It looks like the default declarations for ECL_INT16_T, ECL_INT32_T
> must use int16_1, int32_t, but not uint16_t, uint32_t.

Hi Anton, thanks a lot for all your fixes and tips. I just incorporated them
to ECL.


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