On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Sylvain Ageneau <agen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm compiling ecl with:
> ABI=32 CFLAGS="-m32" LDFLAGS="-m32" ./configure --prefix=/opt/ecl/tmp
> --enable-threads=yes
> This test fails about 50% of the time:
> (defun safe-system (string)
> ;;  (cmpnote "Invoking external command:~%  ~A~%" string)
>  (let ((result (ext:system string)))
>   (unless (zerop result)
>     (cerror "Continues anyway."
>             "(SYSTEM ~S) returned non-zero value ~D"
>             string result))
>   result))
> (safe-system "sh -c 'echo OK'")
> (si:quit 0)

OS X's system() routine seems to be broken. Our SIGCHLD handler consumes the
return status of the process it starts and thus it fails. I have fixed this
by removing all uses of system(), replacing them with EXT:RUN-PROCESS


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