Please ignore this, I just found there's already Windows binaries on


在 2011-4-22,18:14, Chun Tian (binghe) 写道:

> Hi, Juanjo
> If current ECL/Windows can live without a C compiler, could you consider 
> providing prebuilt binaries on Windows so that people would easily download 
> and run ECL?  I also need such a binary with "standard build options" for 
> adjusting USOCKET to run on it, currently USOCKET used lots of inline C code 
> to do networking stuff, and I think it's time to wrote a pure DFFI version as 
> alternate.
> Regards,
> Chun Tian (binghe)
> 在 2011-4-22,17:38, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll 写道:
>> 2011/4/22 邱涛 <>
>> I didn't find the ECL ini file (.eclrc).
>> But I put (require :cmp) before (compile-file ....) is work.
>> The reason is that in Windows it is very difficult to find a native 
>> compiler. Understanding this problem, I designed ECL so that it uses by 
>> default a bytecodes compiler (what you saw), and only when you load the 
>> compiler package, (require :cmp), does it attempt to use a C compiler
>> Another promble is when I (c:build-shared-library "myecl" :lisp-files 
>> '("helo.lisp")).
>> Error is "In function COPY-TO-SIMPLE-BASE-STRING, the value of the first 
>> argument is ("D:/Program Files/ECL/hello.lisp")"
>> :lisp-files does not mean source files, but lisp compiled files. Please 
>> avoid yourself a lot of troubles and go with ASDF
>> This allows you to do everything, from executables to shared libraries.
>> Juanjo
>> -- 
>> Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC
>> c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain) 
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