thanks for your suggestion, but it seems that asdf:make-build doesn't
take the keyword :system-p

> (asdf:make-build :cffi-test :type :lib :system-p t :monolithic t :move-here 
> "/Users/simon/cffi-test/" :ld-flags '("-lm"))

Condition of type: SIMPLE-PROGRAM-ERROR
Unknown keyword :SYSTEM-P

Simón Ortiz B., M.Sc., Ing. en Computación
Linux Registered User #388735

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 15:48, Philipp Marek <> wrote:
>> ;;; Note:
>> ;;;   Invoking external command:
>> ;;;   gcc -o
>> /Users/simon/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-11.1.1-macosx-x86/Users/simon/cffi-test/my-cffi.fas
>> -L/opt/ecl/mac/lib/
>> /private/var/folders/Ph/Ph28pDINHqi3t+OjZePGGE+++TI/-Tmp-/eclinit59IrkC.o
>> /Users/simon/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-11.1.1-macosx-x86/Users/simon/cffi-test/my-cffi.o
>> -bundle -lecl -lm /usr/lib/libm.dylib
>> Condition of type: FILE-ERROR
>> Filesystem error with pathname
>> #P"/Users/simon/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-11.1.1-macosx-x86/Users/simon/cffi-test/libcffi-test.a".
> ...
>> It seems libcffi-test.a couldn't be produced. Is there a way to get an
>> error message for why it failed building libcffi-test.a? Or maybe, am
>> I missing some step required to build libcffi-test.a?
>> Thank you very much for any help you can provide!
> It seems that my-cffi.fas was produced - that's the name after "-o".
> You could try :system-p T in the make-build command; at least :system-p is 
> mentioned in
> the ECL wiki a few times.
> Regards,
> Phil

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