On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 19:26:13 +0200
Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <juanjose.garciarip...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matthew, I have not been able to reproduce the crashes yet, but I solved
> this problem. The value that you compute as "content-length" in the http
> header is the number of lisp characters, not the number of bytes in the
> utf-8 encoding. When I changed it to compute the length of the encoded
> string, then the server worked perfectly (it is very nice and feels very
> snappy indeed!)

Oh!  A definite bug on my part :) thank you very much as I didn't
notice this at all.  So I should encode the output first for UTF-8
mode, then actually send bytes rather than characters.

> I will continue investigating the other stuff.

I unfortunately couldn't yet test with various boehm-gc versions as you
had suggested in an off-list post.  I have some homework to do here.
But since I could reliably get the same gdb backtrace it seems to be

Thanks again,

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