- INLINE declarations now actually cause the function to be inlined. If
   the function is also proclaimed as INLINE, ECL will store a copy of its
   definition for later use _in other files_. Otherwise INLINE declarations
   remain local to the file being processed.

I know it is a shamed that this was not done before, but better late than
never :)

More or less it works as follows:

* In declarations, it instructs the compiler to inline FLET/LABELS forms.

* In DECLAIM, it instructs the compiler to inline further appearances of
the function, but only in that file.

* In PROCLAIM, it instructs the compiler to inline all occurrences of the
function in that file and also in subsequent ones. In this case ECL keeps a
copy of the definition in the compiled file for further use.


Instituto de FĂ­sica Fundamental, CSIC
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