On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Anton Vodonosov <avodono...@yandex.ru>wrote:

> As ECL can compiles List to C, a C compiler generating LLVM code may be
> used
> (llvm-gcc or clang).

What Christian is doing is more what I thought should be done:
automatically generating LLVM bytecode and loading it with LLVM, so that it
is natively compiled. Using clang is not really winning anything: one may
just as well use any other C ocmpiler

> Juan Jose, Christian, how can you compare Lisp -> C -> LLVM with Lisp ->
> solution to ECL?
My understantind (pure theoretical, I haven't tried any of that):
> if ECL can generate LLVM directly, it is a simplification to user, less
> tools to chain.
> But Lisp to LLVM required efforts to implement and will also take
> mainenance efforts.
> Christian, have you compared these options, or you were just guided by
> interest
> to learn/try your own Lisp -> LLVM implementation?

ECL's current compiler generates C, but this is done on a second pass that
may be abstracted out to use a different backend. This is what I was trying
with the new compiler, but I found I do not have enough time for doing the
compiler as well as the backend -- at least not in the near future.
However, if Christian's tools for the generation of LLVM code are readable
enough, I believe they could be used with ECL as well, coexisting with the
C backend.


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