Issue (View Online)

Key: NXP-449
Issue Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: In Progress In Progress
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Dragos Mihalache
Reporter: Thierry Delprat
Original Estimate: 2 days
Time Spent: 2 days


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Improve Caching System Activation 
Updated: 12/02/07 20:50   Created: 29/12/06 19:22  

The following comment has been added to this issue: [ Permlink ]

Author: Dragos Mihalache
Date: 12/02/07 20:49
Facet management
Facets will store data associated to documentModels. Quickly, we need to
have a wait to keep them in the cache with the same life cycle than the
bare documentModel.
The facet are directly attached to the DM objects, but the facets are
transcients is order to avoid sending them back to the server when
sending DMs.

what opportunities we have
for intagrating facets data into the cached DM.

This means :
 - a clean interceptors deployment
 - a simple way to activate and desactivate the cache system

This probably means :
- configuring a Nuxeo Cache interception domain
= deploy a specific aop configuration :
 <stack name="NXCacheInterceptors">
  <interceptor class="org.nuxeo...."

<domain name="Nuxeo Stateful CacheAware Bean"
        extends="Stateful Bean"
 <bind pointcut="execution(* *->*(..))">
   <stack-ref name="NXCacheInterceptors"/>

<domain name="Nuxeo Stateless CacheAware Bean"
        extends="Stateful Bean"
 <bind pointcut="execution(* *->*(..))">
   <stack-ref name="NXCacheInterceptors"/>
- put an annotation cache aware Seam components for this Domain
@org.jboss.annotation.ejb.AspectDomain("Nuxeo Stateful CacheAware Bean")

The activation of the client interceptor should be configurable via an
simple EP.

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Fix Versions: 5.1 M2

See related mail from TD.

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