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Key: NXP-566
Issue Type: Bug Bug
Status: Open Open
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Anahide Tchertchian
Reporter: Narcis Paslaru
Environment: Nuxeo 5.0, Areva - current version


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Bad tree synchronization 
Updated: 19/02/07 17:11   Created: 07/02/07 15:17  

The following issue has been updated.

Updater: Narcis Paslaru
Date: 19/02/07 17:11
Everything seems fine to me in the code. If you have some time, you should take a look.

Field Original Value New Value
Change By Narcis Paslaru on 19/02/07 17:11
Assignee Narcis Paslaru Anahide Tchertchian

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Web UI
Fix Versions: 5.1 M2
Attachments: screenshot-1.jpg

When the user navigates from the content page starting from the domain -> Sections -> section_1 -> folder_1, the tree expands to Workspaces -> Workspace_1 -> Folder_1.
If hte structure for sections and workspaces correspond, the tree will expand the correspondig folders of the workpaces as the user navigates through the sections.

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