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Key: NXP-283
Issue Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Narcis Paslaru
Reporter: Thibaut Soulcié
Original Estimate: 3 days
Remaining Estimate: 3 days


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Search UI: provide word highlighting, back to search results link, previous/next on documents after a search 
Updated: 02/03/07 13:10   Created: 27/11/06 11:15  

The following issue has been updated.

Updater: Narcis Paslaru
Date: 02/03/07 13:10

Field Original Value New Value
Change By Narcis Paslaru on 02/03/07 13:10
Remaining Estimate 3 days
Original Estimate 3 days

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Query / Search, Web UI
Fix Versions: 5.1 M2
Attachments: result_view.png, search_results.png

1. Query words should be highlighted (using <span class="highlight">)

2. When clicking on a document in results list, there should be an informative block that provides a "back to search results" link. That link should disappear as soon as another tab or file or action is clicked.

3. After a search, when the user click on a document, display a small fragment saying (<n>th on <total> document - Previous - Next)

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