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Key: NXP-810
Issue Type: Question Question
Status: Open Open
Priority: Detail Detail
Assignee: Thierry Delprat
Reporter: Mirto Silvio Busico
Environment: Linux (Debian Etch); screen resolution 1440x900; minimum browser font size 18 (at this resolution a 17" wide screen shows illegible fonts at the standard size)


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Can action tabs names be replaced by icons as dashboard/clipboard? 
Updated: 02/04/07 08:22   Created: 29/03/07 16:17  

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Author: Mirto Silvio Busico
Date: 02/04/07 08:22
As you can see from the screenshot, in Italian, the tabs takes 2 lines on a 1400x900 screen and this is not a good looking.

If you stay on the icon with the mouse, an explanation bos appears and this is transalated in every supported language.

So the novice user, who don't remember the action associated tio the icon, can stay on the icon an se the action name; but the experienced user don't need any explanation and have a bigger area used for data.

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Web UI
Attachments: a0.png

Especially with laguages with lonk words as Italian, the actions tabs take more than one line (see attached image)

Can the tab name be replaced with only icons as in the left area for dashboard/clipboard?

Vantages: same tab size for every language; less space occupied by tabs; less disctracting environment.

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