Issue (View Online)

Key: NXP-840
Issue Type: Bug Bug
Status: Open Open
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Julien Anguenot
Reporter: Benjamin Jalon


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Error log from Indexer 
Updated: 20/04/07 12:13   Created: 19/04/07 18:01  

The following issue has been re-assigned.

Assignee: Julien Anguenot

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Query / Search
Affects Versions: 5.1 M1

Sometimes in Jboss log, I have this error (not linked to an action)

2007-04-19 15:48:35,301 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "IndexMerger"
2007-04-19 15:48:35,301 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.commons.collections.buffer.UnboundedFifoBuffer
2007-04-19 15:48:35,301 ERROR [STDERR] at org.apache.commons.collections.BufferUtils$1.remove(Unknown Source)
2007-04-19 15:48:35,301 ERROR [STDERR] at

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