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Key: NXP-852
Issue Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Thierry Delprat
Reporter: Nils Laumaillé


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Possibility to start versionning from a free value instead of 1.00 
Updated: 20/04/07 16:01   Created: 20/04/07 16:01  

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Workflow
Affects Versions: 5.1 M1

When creating a new file, I think that it could be very interessant to have the possibility to start the versionning from a free value.

Why ?
Just because the documentation management will not start when a company will decide to use Nuxeo.
That means that a lot of documents already exist and that have to inserted into Nuxeo. As this documentation has already "lived", the version may not be 1.00 but perhaps 5.12.

Suggestion ?
When creating a new file, change the label field by a text field, where Nuxeo suggest to start from 1.00, but where the user can select something else.

For my concern, this will be really very usefull when we will have to migrate all our "Quality System" for example that contains al lot of procedures and templates that have already a versionning.


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