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Key: NXP-701
Issue Type: New Feature New Feature
Status: Open Open
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Dragos Ivan
Reporter: Eric Barroca
Original Estimate: 1 week
Remaining Estimate: 1 week


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XML-based Import / Export for documents and repositories 
Updated: 03/05/07 01:35   Created: 02/03/07 14:54  

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Author: Thierry Delprat
Date: 03/05/07 01:35
Data import

Target :
The target is to provide an easy and pluggable way to import content into the Nuxeo5.
The entry point used will be the core API via the Platform service:
 - connect via POJO on stand alone core
 - via EJB remoting on JBoss embeded core

Pipeline :
In order to provide a pluggable solution, we use a NxRuntime service with 3 Extension points:
 - Data Reader : read data from a source
- read all data from an external source
- read some data from the core (NXQL query)

=> return simple DocumentModel like artifacts (HashMaps or XML tree)

 - Data transformer : convert read data to the storage structure
- field mapping
- meta-data extraction

 - Data Writer : write data to the target destination
- write to an external source
- write to the core
=> The writter may implement batch writting for transactions optimisations

NXDocumentPipe also support an configuration Extension Point that defines the configuration of a pipe :
- one reader with one config
- one converter with one config
- one writer with one config

Starter kit :

Beside the DocumentPipe service, we must provide :
 - a core reader :
- NXQL based extraction
- supports pagination

 - a simple XSLT converter
- DM => XML =XLST=> XML => DM

 - a simple Field mapper

 - a core writer
- supports batch transations
- configuration for base path
- configuration for events disconnection
- starts reIndexall at the end

 - a XML reader : reads XML representation of DocumentModels
 - a XML writer : serialize DocumentModel as a simple <doc><schema><field> tree

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Core
Fix Versions: 5.1 M3

Implement an import / export feature that allows to export a list of documents (any type) and repository-related information (ex: security, versioning, etc.).

The export format should be XML based and reuse the XMLSchema definition of content type.

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