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Key: NXP-987
Issue Type: Bug Bug
Status: Open Open
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Georges Racinet
Reporter: Olivier Grisel


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deleted documents are not unindexed 
Updated: 09/05/07 14:43   Created: 07/05/07 16:14  

The following issue has been updated.

Updater: Georges Racinet
Date: 09/05/07 14:43

Field Original Value New Value
Change By Georges Racinet on 09/05/07 14:43
Description Steps to reproduce:

- publish a file to some section
- delete the proxy
- search for the title of the file : the proxy is in the search result even though it does not exists any longer in the repo
Steps to reproduce: seems to be systematic (tested with a Note document)
Component/s Query / Search
Summary deleted proxies are not unindexed deleted documents are not unindexed

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Query / Search
Affects Versions: 5.1 M2
Fix Versions: 5.1 M3

Steps to reproduce: seems to be systematic (tested with a Note document)

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