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Key: NXP-1046
Issue Type: Bug Bug
Status: Open Open
Priority: Major Major
Assignee: Thierry Delprat
Reporter: Nils Laumaillé
Environment: Windows


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Message error when doing an "advanced search" 
Updated: 18/05/07 09:29   Created: 18/05/07 09:28  

The following issue has been updated.

Updater: Nils Laumaillé
Date: 18/05/07 09:29

Field Original Value New Value
Change By Nils Laumaillé on 18/05/07 09:29
Attachment that's it.jpg

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Affects Versions: 5.1 M2
Attachments: that's it.jpg

I've discovered the error message :

 An error occurred

org.nuxeo.ecm.core.query.QueryParseException: Syntax error: Invalid token <test> at offset 0
+ - Show stacktrace

This happens when :

1- start by doing a single search using the "quick search" field (at top right)
2- ask now for a "advanced search"
3- enter the words you want to search for
4- look that in "quick search" field, your previous search is not cleared
5- press the button "Search"
6- and now see the error message

Note : this error doesn't appears if you don't do a "quick search" before

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