Issue (View Online)

Key: NXP-1044
Issue Type: Bug Bug
Status: Resolved Resolved
Priority: Major Major
Resolution: Fixed
Assignee: Bogdan Stefanescu
Reporter: Olivier Grisel


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NullpointerException when indexing the Blob of a published proxy 
Updated: 18/05/07 11:16   Created: 16/05/07 20:31  

The following issue has been resolved as FIXED.

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Core
Affects Versions: 5.1 M2
Fix Versions: 5.1 M3

Steps to reproduce:

- create a document of type File with a .doc attachement (for instance)
- go to the parent folder / workspace
- select and add the document to the worklist
- go to some section
- use the "Publish here" feature of the worklist

Look at the console:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

The line 52 is:

            String repositoryName = getDocument().getRepository().getName();

For that document (frozen node), getDocument().getRepository() is null.

The created proxy failed to get indexed by the search service because of this uncatched Nullpointer exception.

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