If you can stand another comment from another `Catholic in Recovery'

On Sat, 8 Apr 1995, Jayne S Docherty wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Apr 1995, MS MARY T HALLOCK MORRIS wrote:
> > >From a former Catholic, here is my take on the situation
> > with the Pope and his feeling on birth control,
> > abortion,etc.... 
> From another former Catholic -- Amen.  In my opinion, the Pope and the 
> vast majority of the Church hierarchy have a lot to answer for and the 
> Pope's most recent message was so distressing to me -- when I think of 
> the influence it will have in many, many parts of the world where both 
> the environment and the people are suffering from problems directly 
> related to overpopulation -- 

Actually, it's been my observation that women everywhere are pretty 
sophisticated about this issue.  Catholic or not, I think the global 
attitude is pretty much `If I could get it (contraceptives) I'd use it 
and the Pope could go to hell.'  My surmise is that only in the 
`developed' countries do women have the time or energy to worry seriously 
if their eternal souls are in jeopardy.  In countries where starvation is 
immanent and death a daily fact of life, women have a much more practical 
view of the situation than the Pope supposes.

> Who *are* we to tell them to have fewer children to save the environment? 
> So, while I disagree completely with the Pope on the matter of the 
> "sinfulness" of birth control, I also question the assumption that 
> overpopulation is strictly a matter of *numbers*.  My one child is 
> probably more destructive to the overall environment than several 
> children who live in other parts of the world.  This, in spite of our 
> efforts to consume less and teach him the value and joys of living simply.
> Jayne

To use a very oldfashioned phrase, don't fash yourself my dear.  We do 
the best we can with what we've got.  When one tries as hard as we know 
you do, one's only alternative would be to move to one of those countries 
and live like they do - but they don't have enough food for you so stay put. 

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Apr  8 10:27:01 MDT 1995
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 09:27:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Coyote1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jayne S Docherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Overpopulation Bugaboo

On Sat, 8 Apr 1995, Jayne S Docherty wrote:

> I deleted the message about history --  the Pope and the King of France, 
> etc -- before I thought to respond.
> Do you think that one of the reasons the Pope is so adamant about this 
> now is because it guarantees an increase in his following?  
> He certainly cannot rely on Catholics in this country or in Europe to 
> "replenish and multiply" the flock.

The thought is scary to me, but I suspect that the current Pope 
is a good-hearted man who really believes his schtick.  And look, with 
all the wealth the Vatican holds, he could probably last forever without 
an increase in tithing.  Besides, it's here that he needs Catholics to 
lobby for his policies worldwide - how much real power would a bunch of 
Bangladeshi Catholics have with their country's parliament much less the UN?

> Jayne

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Apr  8 11:45:09 MDT 1995
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 11:13:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: Constance Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Earth, the Animals and You (Conference Announcement) (fwd)
content-length: 0

"The Earth, the Animals and You" Conference will be held in Madison,
Wisconsin at the University of Wisconsin Memorial Union, 800 Langdon Street
on the 22nd and 23rd of April.  Cost for students is $10, non-students $20,
before the 1st of April.  After 1st April, cost goes up to $15 students, and
$25 non-students.  Please direct any questions to the Alliance for Animals at
608 257 6333.

"The Earth, the Animals and You" Conference is sponsored by the Alliance for
Animals, the American Anti-Vivisection Society and the National
Anti-Vivisection Society and features the following confirmed speakers:

Dr. Peter Singer, author of _Animal Liberation_.
Ms. Heidi Prescott, director of the Fund for Animals.
Dr. Viktor Reinhardt, primotologist and former employee of the U of
     Wisconsin Primate Labs.
Dr. Lisa Lembke, former Wisconsin State Veterinarian.
Ms. Amy Clark, editor "Vegetarian Times" magazine.
Ms. Rae Sikora, outreach coordinator, AAVS.
Dr. Donald Barnes, education director, NAVS.
Mr. Lawrence Carter, independant activist.
Mr. Alex Pacheco, founder, PeTA.
Mr. Charlie Cray, Greenpeace.
Ms. Susan Straley, Sierra Club.
Mr. John Stauber, "PR Watch" Magazine.

Registration begins on Saturday at 8:00 A.M. Workshops, speeches and
cruelty-free vendors will show until 5:00 P.M.  There will then be a
reception until late.  On Sunday, registration begins again at 8:00 A.M. and
speeches, vendors and workshops will go until 3:30 P.M.  Lunches are on your
own.  Accomodations are available at the Inn on the Park, 22 South Carroll
Street, for $55 single and $63 double.  To make reservations, please call
-----------------------------end of poster-----------------------------

Steve Barney

Animal Liberation Action Group
Room 207, Reeve Memorial Union
UWO (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh)
Oshkosh, WI 54901-3512
Phone:  414-235-4887 (home)
Fax:    414-424-7317 (UWO postal service)
Email:  Bitnet   -  barneys@oshkoshw
        Internet -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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