I'd like to respond briefly to Michael's request that people post less often.

First, Kylie had not posted for nearly a month, and I believe her string
of posts was a catchup ... I wouldn't have wanted to miss any of those
posts.  You, Michael, who reguarly use the "reply" function of your email,
probably, like me, reply to a post "on the spot."  If I waited until I
read through everything and then composed a summary post I'd never get to
it. I don't have time. 

Also, some people have to pay for VOLUME rather than frequency, and not 
all of us are going to be interested in many of the longer information 
posts that we see on this list.

But I really feel sad when anything is said which would seem to stifle 
conversation, which I felt that Michael's comment could do.  Stephanie 
(our list manager) has posted several methods for managing the frequency 
of posts (including the summary method) which Michael, and others who 
have to worry about the number of posts they receive, might want to try.

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed May  3 10:06:29 MDT 1995
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 09:05:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Coyote1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lesbianism and Lightening Up

Hi folks, I'm back - I've missed you.

Katharine, Joy, Bertina;  Seems this is a serious issue, at least for 
Bertina and maybe we should take it seriously for her sake and for the 
sake of others on the list who are not so bold as Bertina but who lurk 
looking for support or affirmation.

Maybe what we could discuss among ourselves is promoting freedom of 
sexual expression?  Bertina's gonna love me using a pagan expression to 
support her request, but - as the goddess Aphrodite says:  `All acts of 
love and pleasure are my rituals'  

I can imagine that with all the `family values' hoohaa and anti-gay 
temper in politics these days, Bertina and others feel a need for our 
support and acceptance.  I think they'd like to feel that this is a safe 
haven where they can come and discuss issues pertinent to them in that 
context.  And I think we can offer them that - can we not?


On Wed, 3 May 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Bertina wrote:
> > Lets promote lesbianism on this list!
> And Joy responded:
> >Promote it?????  WHat are you trying to say, convert people?  >Women are or
> >they are not.  'skind of like Paganism, you don't convert.
> >This was a weird thing to say Bertina.
> . . .
> >Are you, Bertina, advocating that we should recruit people to
> >become lesbians?  There isn't one "right" way of sexuality.
> ----------------------
> Is it just me, or are we all taking ourselves just a bit too seriously these
> days?
> Lighten up!!
> --Katharine English
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed May  3 10:24:16 MDT 1995
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 09:25:41 -0700
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cuddlemonster/Joy Williams)
Subject: Re: Messages

There is one thing I would like to point out about though about a lot of
"little" posts.  Many people have to pay for their mail by the byte.  When a
person sends a lot of one line or short posts, rather than consolidating
them, or attempting to, the header information of each post add quite a bit
to the bandwidth....they'll have many headers for many posts rather than
just one header for many posts.  Not that I care, particularly, but having
managed a list, I have seen this problem occur on a regular basis.  It's
kind of like putting one item each in grocery bags.  Pretty soon you have
more groceries bags then you need, when you could put all the items in one
grocery bag, and save resources.

Of course, YMMV, depending on your server. 

I don't want the free flow of information being stagnated either, but I
thought that people should know this.  I don't have to pay by the byte, so
it isn't an issue for me.

that is why we should also not quote an entire message when responding to a
message either.  We should just clip what's relevant to our response. That
dips into some people's $$$ as well.  And it is really irritating to go
through an entire post (that has been repeated) only to find a one line
response at the end, when the original could have easily been clipped by the
responder.  A little bit of effort could save us all money.
Joy Williams
Scion, Church of All Worlds
Thou art God/dess!

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