Hi.  I've just signed on to this list and I'm pleased to see it's so 
active.  I'm Johanna Sutherland, PhD student in International Relations 
at the A.N.U.  I'm working on the Biodiversity Convention, 'genetic 
resources' and indigenous peoples' issues in the Pacific region.  I'm not 
familiar with 
the Foucauldian/feminist literature on reproductive technologies but I 
suspect there will be many parallel critiques to be brought to the 
biotechnology industry debate.  I've read Vandana Shiva's Monocultures 
of the Mind, but not yet her other works.  Perhaps these sorts of 
arguments are in Staying Alive.  Can anyone point me to some 
references on Foucauldian/feminist references on 
With thanks, and I look forward to the debates on this list.

Johanna Sutherland
Department of International Relations
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University
CANBERRA 0002.   

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