        I asked you not to flame, but you did anyway.  Do you get off on 

        It is YOU that needs to look at the facts.  There are documented 
        cases of reverse discrimination, and the Supreme Court agrees.  
        Discrimination is unfair, no matter what color or gender a person 
        is.  (You said in your E-mail that studies show it's rare.  Rare 
        means it DOES happen.  Check your dictionary.  If it happened to 
        you, I'm sure you'd complain too.)

        How do I know?  I'm a white male, remember?  I almost got sidelined 
        for a job by a woman who was less qualified than I.  In addition, I 
        am the Affirmative Action representative for 186 employees (and 
        potential employees) in my Division, black, white, hispanic, asian, 
        male, female, disabled, and I get along just fine, thank you.  I'm 
        trying to be colorblind, and that means promoting folks based on 
        the merits.  Do you understand what that means?

        If you think continual hostility will help the feminist cause, 
        you're nuts.  Attacking men who are sincerely trying to reach out 
        and help and understand is foolish, and I'm one ally who's getting 
        tired of it.  If you're going to attack, attack the patriarchs who 
        run things the old way.  Or are you afraid to bite the hand that 
        feeds you?
                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"We must love each other, or we must die."

 Looks like we're gonna die.

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