>> Monte':
>>      Nice to meet you.
>>      Of course, an oppressed person should suspect the oppressor who 
>>         suddenly changes his tune.  But how am I the oppressor?  What have 
>>         I done to deserve blame?
>>                                              Al
>>                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Have you ever thought that overpopulation wouldn't be a problem if women 
>would stop having so many kids?
>Have you ever thought (even for a moment) that it was the womans fault 
>for not leaving her abusive husband? 
>Have you ever dismissed a male-childs actions because 'boys will be boys'?
>Have you disregarded your mothers opinion because 'what could she 
>possibly know about anything?'
>Have you ever looked at a woman and for a moment all you could see where 
>the shape of her bosom, butt, or legs?
>Have you ever suddenly become wary because you saw a group of minorities 
>walking toward you on the street?
>Have you ever tried to ignore a homeless person? 
>Have you ever sought to restrict a womans actions because the thing she 
>wanted to do was not "good" or "safe" for her? 
>Have you told or laughed at jokes that are offensive to other people?
>Have you driven alone when carpooling could have been an option? 
>Have you bought anything made in Taiwan, Mexico, Vietnam?
>Have you purchased grapes or chocolate during the workers rights boycott?
>Have you ever purchased or rented pornographic material?
>Have you ever thought that maybe the woman did want to do it then 
>regretted it later and said it was rape?
>All of us, if we were truly being honest with ourselves would have to say 
>yes to some of these.  And these (and countless more) are the ways that we 
>oppress one another.  I do not know you so I don't know what things you 
>do or say.  But *you are to blame*.  There's simply no getting around 
>it.  My mother taught me that when I'm to blame for something the best thing 
>to do is accept it and try to make amends not deny my responsibility.


        Oh, boy, that's an eye-opening list.  I have to say "yes" to 9 out 
        of the 14.  Guilty as charged.

        I think (unlike the name-calling others have done) it nails me to 
        the wall and makes a very good point.

        I apologize.

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