---------------Included Message---------------
Sara wrote:

I also found disturbing in this text a consistent construction of the earth 
female/mother/nurturer, a mindlessly romantic notion that, IMO, doesn't stand
up to even the most superficial scrutiny.  In fact, it always burns me when
ecofeminism is perceived by non-ecofeminists as somehow celebrating the 
nature connection when my reading has shown me that ecofem is, in part, about
deconstructing that notion.



I remember reading something about the knight in shining armor being the 
death of the independent woman. This "knight" has also been applied to the 
earth, implying that the earth is something weak that needs to be saved.  The 
thing is, nature is NOT weak -- look at the hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.  
Plus, getting into the idea of saving something, the "knight" is saving his 
ideal of what the earth is, not the reality of it.  Essentially the "knight" 
is unmaking the very thing he is trying to save.



Name: mary hallock morris
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mary hallock morris)
Date: 07/25/95
Time: 19:10:12

Grad student: The McGregor School of Antioch U.
              Yellow Springs, Ohio
majoring in Community and Environmental Ed.           

"In Nature, Nothing Exists Alone."  -- Rachel Carson

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