
>From what I've heard about Robertson you could not have been any nicer.

However, you would be surprised how much power he has over his people and 
you would be extremely surprised at how many people that is.  Not to mention
the fact that a lot of the people that believe what he says are women.

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Aug 28 22:50:40 1995
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 23:51:30 -0500 (BOGOTA)
From: Juan Camilo Cardenas - Investigador IDEADE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SD and gender equality

To those interested in answering or discussing my previous message asking 
for suggestions in a study on rural women participation in sustainable 
practices, YES!, I did manage to subscribe to the list (thanks to 
Stephanie Rixecker, of course). Thus, you can reply to the list too.

Thanks in advance, Juan Camilo.

Juan Camilo Cardenas
Coordinador Area de Economia de la Sostenibilidad
Instituto de Estudios Ambientales para el Desarrollo Sostenible
IDEADE - Universidad Javeriana
Calle 40 No. 6-23 Piso 8
Bogota - Colombia

Fax: 57-1-285-7289
email (internet): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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