
I encourage anyone out there to email or call me for more  
information.  We presently have two two social scientists on the  
faculty (I'm one of them); we both work around issues of  
development, sustainability, and gender.  And there's a growing  
interest on campus in, and adminstrative support for, continued work  
in these and associated areas.

Mike Maniates

Michael Maniates
Dept. of Environmental Science/Dept. of Political Science
Box E, Allegheny College
Meadville, PA  16335
phone: 814-332-2786    fax: 814-332-2789

Tenure Track Position in Environmental Studies at Allegheny
College, Meadville, Pennsylvania

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES -- A tenure-track position,
available August 1, 1996 for an individual with
interdisciplinary teaching and research interests in
any area of environmental studies and sustainable
development.   The Environmental Science Department at
Allegheny began as a formal program in 1971 and has grown
to include two major tracks (Studies and  Science) and a
faculty whose teaching and research interests span the
natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
Teaching responsibilities  include participation in a
team-taught introductory course, a sophomore course in
environmental problem solving, a junior-level seminar
in the candidates's area of expertise, and directing
senior research projects.  We seek a colleague  who will
encourage interdisciplinary connections within the ES
Department and with other departments at the College.
Send curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and
research interests, and three letters of reference by
December 18, 1995 to:  Dr. Scott Wissinger, Chair,
Department of Environmental Science, Allegheny
College, Meadville, PA 16335.   Women and minorities are
strongly encouraged to apply.  Allegheny is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.

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