I thought this was pertinent to the list.  Cheers, Stefanie Rixecker
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Date sent:      22 Sep 1994 11:29:00 -0700 (PDT)
From:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:        VOW joins boycott of hearings
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Date: Wed, 21 Sep 1994 13:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

Sept. 21, 1994


The Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) have decided to support the Innu
in their boycott of Public Hearings of the Federal Environmental Assessment
Office (FEARO) being held in Labrador/Quebec beginning this week and
continuing through next month.  The hearings concern the proposed
enlargement of the current Low Level Military Flight Training Area and
number of flights.

"Everyone is familiar with the tragic conditions of the Innu in Davis Inlet
and of their struggle to regain their dignity and some control over their
own justice system," said Betty Peterson, Coordinator of the Voice of Women
Innu project, "but not everyone is aware of the damage of low-level military
flying on the Innu people, their culture and their environment."  VOW
believes the Innu are justified in their reasons for boycotting the hearings
and they agree that low-level flights are driving the Innu off their land
and prejudicing their land rights negotiations.  The Guidelines for the
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which necessitate making full use of
the knowledge, understanding and interpretations of aboriginal persons, have
not been followed, the VOW asserts.

VOW is the only federally funded organization representing women and the
peace movement to address the social and economic impacts of the Goose Bay
base on Innu women and children.  Two researchers from Halifax interviewed
Innu women and others in Sheshatshiu, Labrador (Nitassinan).   In July VOW
submitted a brief to the Federal Environment Assessment Panel.  VOW had
planned to address the Public Hearings in Goose Bay in October until it
received word this week of the Innu boycott and then reassessed its own
strong objections.

Last week VOW expressed these concerns in a letter to the panel stating that
the Panel had not asked the Department of National Defence to meet the
objections raised in the VOW brief before the Public Hearings take place.
The EIS, according to its own Guidelines, must deal with impacts as they
affect women and especially their individual or collective rights which are
recognized by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and the
Newfoundland Human Rights Code.

VOW fears there is a rush to have the Public Hearings over and done with.
This would clear the way for the Department of National Defence to begin
negotiations with Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands to renew
and expand the present training agreement to the year 2011.  DND proposes to
double the number of aircraft involved, substantially increase the flying
area and double the current 6-7000 low flights to 15,000 while extending the
flying season by 2 months.  This would even more severely impact the
traditional fall and spring hunting and camping season of the Innu.

VOW insists that the Federal Defense Policy Review, which will consider the
viability of all bases including Goose Bay and which is scheduled to report
to the country in late October, must be completed before the Panel should
consider any option to expand the low-level flight training base.

"The Panel is not treating the Innu and their legitimate concerns fairly,"
said Ms. Peterson.  "Until the Innu people are satisfied that they are being
listened to in depth, Voice of Women will boycott these Public Hearings.  We
urge all Canadian women's organizations, peace and social action groups to
express their support of the Innu and their disappointment in the Federal
Environmental Assessment Panel and its processes.

The VOW brief  and  boycott have been endorsed by the National Action
Committee on the Status of Women, Canada's largest women's organization with
over 500 member groups including aboriginal women.

A press conference will be held at the Micmac Friendship Centre, 2851
Gottingen Street  at 11 am, Thursday, September 22.

For more information phone:

Betty Peterson  902-454-8664 (Sept. 22-23)  or  902-226-3294
Marion Kerans 902-485-4839 or  902-425-3593

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