I saw this on another list, and I thought it might be of interest to 
some here.  I do not know the organizers or have anything to do with 
the publication.  This is NOT a solicitation.  Foirward inquiries to 
the contacts listed below, not to me.


 ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Conference Proceedings 


This volume develops the idea of an agriculture the serves the
environment rather than conflicting with it. Its 36 papers offer
numerous examples of agricultural systems that benefit the
environment in diverse ways: increasing wildlife habitat and
biodiversity; protecting water quality in streams and estuaries;
producing substitutes for nonrenewable energy sources; turning
urban waste into a resource instead of a problem; offering
aesthetically appealing landscapes; and bringing urban residents
into closer contact with food production and the land. 

Many of these papers describe specific activities that already are
achieving these benefits; others propose forward-looking
alternatives that would do more to support environmental quality.
The papers give special attention to areawide collaborations in
which farmers, concerned citizens, and technical experts work
together to establish common goals and develop innovative
arrangements to achieve them.

The papers are from a conference held in Boston, Massachusetts
(USA) in November 1995, sponsored by the Tufts University School of
Nutrition Science and Policy, the American Farmland Trust, and the
Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture.

Copies are $20, postpaid. Payment (in U.S. funds only, please)
should be made out to "Trustees of Tufts College." The book will be
mailed in March 1996. Please send your prepaid order to:

     Center for Agriculture, Food and Environment
     School of Nutrition Science and Policy
     Tufts University
     Medford, MA 02155 (USA)


Stefanie S. Rixecker
Centre for Resource Management/
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University
Aotearoa New Zealand
Phone:  (64) (03) 325-2811 x8377
Fax:    (64) (03) 325-3841

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