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The office of renowned French feminist Helene Cixous, who chairs the only
doctoral-level Women's Studies program in France, at Paris VIII, has
requested that concerned scholars throughout the world fax the French
Ministry of Education BEFORE APRIL 15 to protest the proposed closure of
France's only doctoral-level Women's Studies program. The governmental
commission for the evaluation of scientific and technical research (MST)
has once again advised the Ministry of Education against the continuation
of the program.  The CNESER (Conseil national de l'enseignement superieur
et de la recherche) will act on this governmentally authorized opinion on
April 15. In nearly every case they confirm the commission's findings.

 The Program is asking for the support of concerned women's studies
faculty throughout the world. (See background on the program after
sample letters.)  It urges that you:

Please fax, without delay, to the CNESER (33-1-40-65-70-90). We suggest
you send the following message, either in French or in English:

Monsieur le Ministre de l'Education Nationale, president du CNESER, and
dear colleagues:
    We urge you not to destroy the DEA of Etudes Feminines of the
University of Paris VIII, directed by Helene Cixous. The scholarly
community acknowledges the central importance of the research that has
been carried out in this program, one of the first of its kind in the
world, for the past 22 years.  This program must continue.  As a
concerned feminist scholar in the United States, I endorse the research
being done in the doctoral seminars led by members of the doctoral program
of Etudes Feminines.

FRENCH VERSION (note: not possible to put in accents on internet)
Monsieur le Ministre de l'Education Nationale, president du CNESER, et
chers collegues,
    Nous vous demandons instamment de ne pas detruire le DEA d'Etudes
Feminines de l'universite de Paris VIII, dirige par Helene Cixous.  Notre
communaute scientifique a besoin que la recherche menee depuis 22 ans au
sein de cette formation, pionniere dans son domaine, puisse se
poursuivre.  Nous soutenons (?) la recherche menee dans les seminaires de
doctorat animes par les membres de la formation doctorale en Etudes

The negative judgment of the governmental commission (MST) criticized,
among other things, that the program had no French students among the 23
who were writing theses. (This allegation was incorrect, as three of the
students hold French citizenship. Furthermore, as there is only one
women's studies program in France, there is no incentive for French
students to complete WS doctoral studies, as there is little related
employment.  And the bias against "foreigners" is a matter for concern.)

The MST report also criticizes the WS program for having a small number of
doctoral graduates, but the case is similar for many larger doctoral
programs in France.  There are 45 students enrolled in Women's Studies (22
are pre-thesis, 23 writing theses), and there is an unprecedented demand
for enrollment in the graduate program.

Finally, France ranks 15th out of 15 countries in Europe regarding the
position of women in society (numbers holding political postions,
important positions in the workforce and the business world, etc.  And
Women's Studies is not represented in the National Council of the
Universities. (All of this information comes directly from the Program's

Please fax quickly.  Thanks for your help.

Julia Watson
Director of Women's Studies, University of Montana, Missoula MT 59812
On sabbatical at U Calif. Irvine: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Centre for Resource Management/
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University
Aotearoa New Zealand
Phone:  (64) (03) 325-2811 x8377
Fax:    (64) (03) 325-3841

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