I think I would have to say that Patriarchy is *changing* but I don't know if
that means it is becoming weak per se.  I think it's finding new ways to
dominate and oppress.  The reason for this?  Well, it is true that women have
access to more independence financially, educationally, politically than ever. 
But I still feel like this is mere PC tokenism (in general) which really isn't
trying to (oh, I'm gonna say it, forgive me) deconstruct the social structure
which oppresses BOTH men and women.  Even liberal politicians tend to avoid the
term "patriarchy" or "misogyny," these words flowing typically only from the
mouths of feminists, anthropologists, sociologists, literary critics - THOSE
type of people ;)  Maybe it is getting better, on the surface especially. 
Maybe it is disappearing, slowly.  But, when I look at children - I see much of
the same behavior and attitudes toward girls and boys that I saw when I was a
child (well, maybe I didn't analyze it as much back then, but you know what I

There's the two pence of this resident


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