Hi all. I received this today from somebody who is not on the list, but is
being forwarded messages from someone on the list.  She wanted me to forward
this on to all of you.

Happy Wednesday :)


From:   IN%"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 11-OCT-1994 20:17:28.25
Subj:   Re:Humans and Animals

     I am responding to your question "Is it morally wrong for
humans to kill animals for food?"  My answer is NO!!!  I have been
raised in the Baptist church and in Genesis (Chapter 1,verse 28????
I can't remember the exact verse) it tells us that God gave the
animals to us for food.  If our country claims to be morally
and religiouslly conscious, then it is easy to see that there is
nothing wrong to killing animals for food.
     As for killing animals for sport, it says in the Bible
that God gave humans control and domain over animals.  Animal
cruelty is not accepted, but I don't think that spending a day
hunting deer and birds is wrong.  My own preacher is a deer hunter
himself!!  People just need to realize the difference between animal
cruelty and hunting.  They need to get off their high horse about
saving the animals and try to help our country in ways it can really
benefit such as helping more with the economy, helping against child
abuse and so on .
                  Jennifer LeCroy
                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Oct 12 14:29:43 MDT 1994
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Oct 12 14:29:43 1994
Received: from subpop.com (subpop.com []) by csf.Colorado.EDU 
(8.6.9/8.6.9/CNS-3.5) with SMTP id OAA11471 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 12 Oct 
1994 14:29:40 -0600
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        id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 12 Oct 94 13:30:38 PDT
From: Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ecofem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  Humans and animals
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 13:28:00 PDT
Encoding: 112 TEXT
X-Mailer: Microsoft Mail V3.0

>     I am responding to your question "Is it morally wrong for
>humans to kill animals for food?"

         i'm not about to argue the fact that you are responding to the 
question.......and i realize this is YOUR answer........and i have already 
made my oppinion known.....but i'd just like to discusss this matter a 
little more

> My answer is NO!!!  I have been
>raised in the Baptist church and in Genesis (Chapter 1,verse 28????
>I can't remember the exact verse) it tells us that God gave the
>animals to us for food.  If our country claims to be morally
>and religiouslly conscious, then it is easy to see that there is
>nothing wrong to killing animals for food.

           i'd like to know how god and country have anything to do with 
each other at all .........but realy what the country claims is compleatly 
irrelivant .......that is the twisted oppinion of people in power that does 
not represent the rest of the people ........there is nothing wrong with 
killing for food...... but that is not cos some country or cult says it's 

>     As for killing animals for sport, it says in the Bible
>that God gave humans control and domain over animals.  Animal
>cruelty is not accepted, but I don't think that spending a day
>hunting deer and birds is wrong.

      control is exactly what we have done.......  people have belived that 
they have the right to do what ever they personaly feel is morraly 
acceptable since pre-history ......people are biased in ways such as 
......we would never find it acceptable to march into iraq to kill people 
for food.......it's cool to kill them for oil interests because people 
blindly follow what their "country" says is morraly acceptable.........this 
is an atrocity.

      spending a day hunting birds and deer is fine.......but remember 
...humans ARE animals too....... we are not some "other" ........... so 
should killing people be acceptable too?....... i don't see too much problem 
with that ........ i won't do it cos i don't LIKE to eat meat....... but i 
hardly see a difference

>  My own preacher is a deer hunter himself!!

      that does not make it acceptable at all......... lots of preachers are 
child mollesters ...... that is a FACT!

>  People just need to realize the difference between animal
>cruelty and hunting.  They need to get off their high horse about
>saving the animals and try to help our country in ways it can really
>benefit such as helping more with the economy, helping against child
>abuse and so on .
>                  Jennifer LeCroy
>                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        what we realy need to do is abandon our antropocenteric 
tendencys........ i don't know what country the rest of you are from ....but 
"my" country has been the most destructive force this planet has ever 
known.....we have actualy dropped bombs that have whiped out entire 
citys....... i am not a christian ....i do not belive in any of it at all. 
.........if jesus actauly did exist i'm sure that over the gennerations the 
image of what he was all about has been compleatly twisted........"we" 
(countrys) have used "his" teachings as excuses for all of our guilty 
atrocitys.......... i also do not belive in the devil but  the work of "my" 
country appears to be more the work of the devil than the work of a people 
with god on their side.

        i don't belive that christianity is the problem........it is mearly 
a symptom of the problem........something went down way back when that 
perverted human beings ....and christianity is nothing more than an open 
oooozing sore on the scabby buttocks of humanity .... a mear symptom of the 
sickness ......

   it's a nasty symptom that has destroyed and pulled in other societys that 
were living in harmony........ it has sped up the armageddon that it is so 
facinated with....... christianity represses things  with in us that come 
out in horrid ways such as child abuse........  christianity is the main 
force in the world today removing us from nature.

        upholding concepts such as law and economy    keeps people down and 
inturn (generaly) oppressed people take the first chance they get to be 
oppressers ...... such has happened time and time again........we create 
lines between things....like work and play.... food and cruelty.......we 
take the sensuality and passion out of anything in life because we are 
affraid of it.........  trying to "help" your country is very self 
centered......trying to help your world is not..... americans are no better 
people than iraqis......and humans are no better entitys than mushrooms. 
beliving anything different of what i just typed is just the same as saying 
white people are better than black people .....or men are better than women.

        beliving animals have rights is not a idea that comes from atop a 
high horse .....saying that you have control over anything else does come 
from a very egotistical anthropocenteric position atop a very high horse 
(the highest) and it's defently not "ecofem" (whatever that means....i'm not 
totaly sure .....but i know that control is not "eco" or "fem")

      your country's "benifit" is some other's (other entity's ....peoples, 
whatever) loss........ so if you are still trying to "benifit" with this 
"might makes right" attitude that the baptist church (i come from a baptist 
family also) and christianity as a whole subscribes to.....then you should 
be abel to step aside and acknowledge that your belifes indicate you are 
damned to hell for all the selfishness, greed, and the desire to be the god 
that you are so scared of.

      i'm in no way suggesting atheism (i personaly am not an 
atheist).......i think we can all have our belifes...... it's just that some 
of us belive it is our "right" to manipulate....abuse ....and destroy 
anything we want to .....and the rest of us want to end that type of idea.

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Oct 12 18:14:07 MDT 1994
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Oct 12 18:14:07 1994
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(8.6.9/8.6.9/CNS-3.5) with SMTP id SAA16762 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 12 Oct 
1994 18:14:06 -0600
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          12 Oct 94 20:16 EDT
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for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 12 Oct 1994 20:16:23 -0400
From: "Cheryl L. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Has Anybody Read Machaelle Wright
To: ecofem list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 20:16:23 EDT
X-Mailer: PENELM [version 2.3.1 PL11]

Has anyone read Machaelle Small Wright's book Behaving as if the God

in All Life Mattered?  Or any of her other things?  If so what

did you think? She was recommended to me by one person and by

another I was told she was "very strange"....whatever that


Interested in what you have to say,

Sherry Boyd

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