Hello All:

Here is a conference cfp which holds fertile ground for ecofeminist 
explorations on bioethics.  Good luck to all interested!


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Announcing the Second Conference of the International Network on
Feminist Approaches to Bioethics
(FAB) in conjunction with the Fourth World Congress of the
International Association of Bioethics (IAB) and the Third Congress of the
East Asian Association of Bioethics (EAAB)

"Global Bioethics: East and West, South and North"

October 31-November 8, 1998

The FAB conference is intended is to encourage cross-cultural
discussion of bioethics and to
strengthen collaborative alliances among bioethicists,
philosophers, educators, physicians, nurses, scientists, lawyers,
administrators, and the general
public in countries across the globe with a special focus on Asia.

Individual papers for oral or poster presentation, or symposia are invited.
Presentations should focus on feminist issues and analyses.
All disciplinary perspectives are welcome!  We are eager to include
perspectives of health care activists and public opinion leaders as well.

Please submit an abstract (maximum 200 words) indicating preferred mode of
presentation (oral or poster, individual or panel).  E-mail your abstract
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.
If you prefer submitting by surface mail, send four copies.  Two should
include the author(s) names(s) and two should exclude this information.
Please include a copy on diskette (Microsoft Word of WordPerfect).  All
abstracts should state the name and mailing address of the presenting
author, affiliation, phone/fax, and e-mail address.

Suggested topics (conference organizers areopen to further suggestions):

Reproductive Health Issues

Subverting Paternalist Legacies

Sexuality, HIV/AIDS/STDs in Asia, the Pacific, and Africa

Justice and Quality of Care

Grassroots Models of Bioethical Decision Making

Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Medical Research

Advancing Feminist Bioethical Theory

Abstracts must be received by May 1, 1998.  Please submit to:
Dr. Gwen Anderson, Research Associate/Faculty
Division Social Science, Ethics & Law
Shriver Center For Mental Retardation, Inc.
200 Trapelo Road > Waltham, MA 02254 >

For further information about travel, accommodation and other arrangements
see the FAB website at: http://guweb.georgetown.edu/kennedy/fab

Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 56
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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