>Love ya, Madrone.

Knock me down with a feather!  You too Madrone. Especially you!

>Why can't I bring up results of studies about violence without
>having you jump down my throat as a divisionist feminist?????  Excuse me, and
>a thousand apologies if I am wrong, but it sure looks here as though any real
>discussion of this problem was completely diverted by you-all throwing your
>arms in the air, howling "Don't blame me, blame her, she's a mean man-hating

I'm aghast! This is not the intention at all. Men are worms ... I am the
dust from the threshing floor.  Now let's talk turkey before the patriarchs
burn the rest of the forest and force us to eat genetically modified foods
for ever amen.  But let's have the marriage of true minds on this problem
.... i.e. we work together with no defensive postures with the spotlight on.
The only thing to bear in mind is that humans with free-will are much
harder to apply reductionistic arguments to than mercury contamination and
for a good reason.

>Chris, as much as I am charmed by the idea of us making love with the nice
>guys...I think the problem of violence in our Country is going to take
>thought, political action and community effort.  The idea of all those nice
>babies is tempting...but, we are already moving towards seven BILLION people
>on this planet.  I can't help but think that what EcoFem's need to use is our

Fertility is not about making more babies, it's about having a fertile
biosphere and culture which respects the continuity of life into the
future.  Fertility as a concept gives back reproductive freedom to the
female - the 'freedom of the womb' in Taslima Nasrin's words, so it's
scarcely likely to cause unwanted pregnancies. It is the most
intellectually misunderstood and underrated socio-biological concept on
Earth.  It needs intellectual evaluation.  It is genuinely novel, quite
unfamiliar and r/evolutionary.

love again, Chris

       Chaos is the Mother of Invention - Necessity the Offspring
Chris KING,                            Phone: 0064-9-3737599 # 8818
Senior Lecturer Mathematics            Fax:   0064-9-3737457
University of Auckland                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Private Bag 92019
AUCKLAND, New Zealand.

                 "Genesis of Eden" - Alta Vista Search

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