A partial translation of Francoise D'eaubonne's work "Le Feminisme ou la
Mort" is available.  It can be found in "Key Concepts in Critical Theory -
Ecology" edited by Carolyn Merchant, published by Humanities Press
International.  It was exciting to finally be able to read such an important
piece of ecofeminist thinking! Enjoy!

At 09:19 PM 6/29/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Ecofeminism was coined in 1974 by Francoise d'Eaubonne in her work "Le
>feminisme ou la mort."  ("Feminism or Death")  PARIS, editions Pierre
>HORAY, 1974.  The last chapter is called "Towards the time of
>Eco-feminism" and this is where she introduces her ideas on this subject.
>This work, which is mostly about the timely necessity for France to
>legalize abortion (which happened in 1975), has not been translated.
>Interestingly enough, however, when Francoise was here in April, she would
>always refer to her 1978 work, "Ecologie-Feminisme: Revolution ou
>Mutation?" (PARIS: Editions ATP, 1978) as the "founding work."  This is
>the work that I am working on translating for my Master's thesis in
>French.  I am hoping to be done with it by August, although at the rate
>I'm going that might be a little optimistic...  I also hope to have a
>web-page dedicated to Francoise's works up and running with full copy of
>the French version, to go along with my thesis defense...  I'll let this
>list know of my progress. 
>If anyone has questions about Francoise d'Eaubonne, her work, or the
>recent conference on eco-feminism at the University of Montana, I'd be
>happy to do my best to fill you in.  You can e-mail me directly.  If
>you're interested in contacting Francoise, I'm sure she would love it... I
>can give you her address in Paris. 
>Oh, and thanks for the tip, Joe, about Simone de B's untranslated work.
>I'm sure I'll be looking for new and interesting projects to work on when
>I'm done with this M.A. and that sounds like it certainly would be
>Francoise is completely astonished by the reknown that eco-feminism has
>gained outside of France, where it made some noise in the late 70s but
>soon fizzled out.  It's exciting to be a part of getting her word out!
>jacob paisain
>university of montana/french
>On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Glynis Carr wrote:
>> Does anyone know whether a translation into English exists for the first
>> French definition of ecofeminism, in 1974 by --- whoops i forget her
>> name?
>> Joe E. Dees wrote:
>> > Does anyone know why such a substantial work as "Existentialisme et
>> > la Sagasse de Nationes" has never been translated into English?  It
>> > would be of immense benefit to us monolingual Engloids, and a mark of
>> > distinction to the translator who did so (I would think).
>> >                                                 Joe E. Dees
>> --
>> Glynis Carr
>> Associate Professor of English
>> Bucknell University
>> Lewisburg, PA  17837
>> http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/gcarr

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