On Tue, 25 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We have to continue to send strong messages -  I am sure we all wish we could
> sit to tea, breath deep, embrace, and say peace to us all and all go home
> happy and not worried about a bomb going off in New York where our loved ones
> work, etc. but how do we communicate this?  Maybe if they had internet access
> we could form a peace network - try to open up other forms of communications
> with them?   
> Arlene posted:
> "Yes, it would be.  But what we have other choices; I believe what we have
> done is immoral."
> Hard love - love what is right - it is right to want to prevent this man from
> killing other innocent people - if peaceful means can be  obtained lets pray
> they exist!  I personally think it looks hopeless because they do not speak
> the language of peace of love only hate and destruction.

Exactly Ecolady/Angela! I would love to live in a world where there would
not be any necessary or unnecessary violence, but we dont live in that
world at the moment. Terrorists are not interested in sitting and
negotiating. They are meant to deter those they do not approve of. Many
are only interested in stopping the infiltration of democracy and
technology into their country. Fine, we could easily just allow those
countries to abuse their country, their women and children. And do not
tell me such abuse is not taking place. It is happening. Whether we sit on
our hands and do nothing will certainly not stop such activities from

Peace and love is the goal, but how we reach that goal is the key.
And terrorism is not the answer, but these terrorists are not going to
stop any time soon.


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