>Date sent:             Tue, 25 Aug 1998 15:06:22 -0400
>Send reply to:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From:                  Nicla Camerin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:               RE: state terrorism
>> >Date sent:          Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:53:39 -0400 (EDT)
>> >Send reply to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >From:               Carlos Alicea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >Subject:            RE: state terrorism
>> >
>> >> Tim: Isaid that I agree with you because you were the first person
>> >> analyzing the US policy in light of  the historical behavior of United
>> >> States around the globe.  I come from the oldest colony in America,
>> >> Rico.  In my political acttivism I have studied US foreing policy,
>> >> specially toward Latin America.  A constant in the policy decison process
>> >> of US is their lack of selfcriticism and self analysis.  Never in their
>> >> minds seems to evaluate in whta ways their own decisons caused resenment
>> >> and hatred in other countries. Invasions, supporting dictarioships in
>> >> of democracy, supporting drug trafficking to tyhis country in name of
>> >> democracy, are some of the examples that came to mind.  I do not support
>> >> violence againts civilians and inocent people. It is not popularity Tim,
>> >> but from my perspective you made a very good analysis of the US
>>policy and
>> >> that is very encouraging for me.
>> >>
>> >> In solidarity, Carlos R. Alicea
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Joe E. Dees wrote:
>> >
>> =================================================================
>> >Don't overgeneralize, Carlos. Our actions are not always wrong
>> >simply because we're the "big, bad U. S. of A.," and they were not
>> >wrong here.
>> Sorry man, but you take the wrong way, most of the time US have had bad
>> external policies.  If you want to ridiculousness your own people do it but
>> not put words in another mouth, and for instance many people around the
>> world recognize the precious oportunity that your country given to them in
>> education and transfer of new utile tecnologies in many areas of the humans
>> context.
>> And for last, what we are talking about is the US External policies, not
>> about the country or its citizen.
>> Nicla
>One again: We supported and armed the indigenous Afghan
>resistance to an occupying Soviet Union (their Vietnam).  The
>Taliban gratefully repay us by harboring a terrorist network publicly
>committed to murdering U.S. citizens, military and civilian, around
>the world.  In THIS SPECIFIC INSTANCE, the U.S. is the wronged


As I said "many people" not 'all people' .  And I insist with happen with
the Taliban was a wrong foreing policy and more if became themselves totaly

Don't you think that it is to much terrorism to talking about it?


>> =================================================================
>> >> > Date sent:              Mon, 24 Aug 1998 22:03:25 -0400 (EDT)
>> >> > Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >> > From:                   Carlos Alicea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> > To:                     STUDIES IN WOMEN AND ENVIRONMENT
>> >> > Subject:                RE: state terrorism
>> >> > Originally to:          STUDIES IN WOMEN AND ENVIRONMENT
>> >> >
>> >> > >       I agree in solidarity with Mr. Tim Hundsdorfer
>> >> >
>> >> > A goodly number seem to agree with me, too, although right and
>> >> > wrong should never be decided by a popularity contest.  Joe Dees
>> >> > > Carlos R. Alicea
>> >> > > On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Tim Hundsdorfer wrote:
>> >> > >
>> >> > > > Bullshit!  We have been declared targets by this fanatical nut, and
>> >> > > > have every right to protect ourselves!  I devoutly hope one of
>> >> > > > missles cruised right up Osama Bin Laden's ass!
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > > Two things.> >> > > >
>> > > > First, the question which you appear to be begging is why
>> >>there are so many in the Islamic world who have declared us "targets."
>> >
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > > Second, you need to examine where this impulse came from within
>> >>yourself.> >> > > >
>> > > > No offense, Joe, but yours is not an Ecofeminist impulse,
>> >>in my opinion.  I had the same impulse myself, but the reality is that
>> >>Pakistan did nothing to us (and in fact up until about two months ago
>> >>were s
>> >taunch allies) and the real story in Sudan should be thousands (tens of
>> >thousands?) of
>> >
>> >> > starving children.> >> > > >
>> > > > Hoping Bin Laden was hit with a cruise missile is not
>> >>worth the fact that innocent people were actually hit with them.  The
>> >>price of 50+ cruise missiles, along with the reparations we will end up
>> >>paying to
>> > Pakistan, will truly be staggering.  For a country which cut its free
>> >breakfast program
>> >
>> >> > for poor children, the price is too high.> >> > > >
>> > > > Sorry to be argumentative, but I am pretty confident my
>> >>comments reflect the views of a large number on this list.
>> >
>> >> >
>> >> > > >
>> >> > > > Tim Hundsdorfer
>> >> > > >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >

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