Marguerite, the primary tenet of Angela's way of thinking is that it is 
the only right way to think, and the only way people have a right to 
think.  For her to admit that any other way of thinking might  possibly 
be just as good or true as hers would shake her belief system to its 
very foundations, so she cannot allow herself to even consider the 
possibility, no matter what the logic, facts and evidence are in 
support of same.  It is a prison of the mind, and she is her own 
jailer.     Joe
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Nov 13 18:37:41 1998
From: "Joe E. Dees" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 19:37:52 -0600
Subject: Re: Two Alternatives/magick?
In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date sent:              Fri, 13 Nov 1998 08:38:13 EST
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: Two Alternatives/magick?

> In a message dated 98-11-13 06:42:37 EST, you write:
> << Ahh but I fully except & admit there are some questions that remain
>  unanswerable, like why magick spells work.  I don't particularly care why in
>  fact, just that they do work.  
>   >>
> I thought you didn't practiice magick?  Or how do you know they work?
> Angela
There are scientific bases to the efficacy of magickal workings.  
Magick may be divided into two classes; spellcasting and divination.  
Spellcasting is an attempt to affect the chains of cause and effect in 
the material, mental and/or social worlds; divination is an attempt to 
access knowledge or understanding concerning these worlds.

(1) Divination
        In ancient times, before the division of shaman into priest, 
physician, psychologist and social worker, the tribe would come to 
the shaman with a problem and request a solution.  The shaman, 
using techniques such as chanting, concentration on a geometric 
form,drumming, dancing, meditation, sex or use of psychoactive 
substances (mantra, mandala, mudra, tantra, soma), would enter an 
alpha state where he could have waking dreams, wherein s/he could 
access all s/he had learned in his/er life in the tribe and the area, 
even subliminally, rather than only what s/he knew that s/he knew, or 
what s/he remembered.  This knowledge would come in the 
language of dreams; that is, images and symbols (see Freud).  
When the shaman emerged from the trance, s/he would interpret 
this information and give a prescription that holistically 
encompassed the entire situation or system, not just the individual 
        The mechanism that paralyses our bodies and wills when we're 
asleep, thus preventing us from acting out our dreams and running 
into walls, is a neuronal gating mechanism in the hippocampus of 
the midbrain (sometimes it doesn't work perfectly - sleepwalking).  It 
can be overridden by a sonically, visually or bodily driven rhythm 
operating in the alpha range, and through lucid dreaming practice.  
Essentially, shamanic trance and divination is a mental technology, 
employing the mind as one would a computer during a data search.
        That this has been going on a long time may be understood 
when we look at the Lascaux cave paintings, the !Kung (Africa) and 
Murinbata (Australia) rock paintings, the Tibetan mandalas and Hopi 
(Native American) sand paintings.  They all possess pictures of the 
flora, fauna and terrain found in their areas at the time they 
were/are created, but also include certain universal sigils or designs 
which are abstract and geometric in nature (spirals, grids, zigzags, 
etc.).  These are seen when one is entering trance and looking 
inward, and are common to all peoples - in fact, they are hard-wired 
into our brains (or at least the surfaces of our retinas, for they are 
the shadows our capillaries cast on them).  They are known to 
psychophysicists as entoptic forms.

(2) Spellcraft
        When one casts a spell that is not on oneself, one usually does 
not work alone, but in a group (commonly called a coven).  The 
method used is to have each member of the group visualize the 
direction, intention and destination of the spell, raise emotional and 
physical energy, and for everyone to discharge this energy 
simultaneously, usually in response to a signal given by the leader 
(priestess), who, through experience and intuition, knows the proper 
moment for this to happen.  
        This is a strong psychological imprinting mechanism; each 
member of the group will typically find themselves inadvertantly (and 
even subliminally) acting in ways that further progress towards the 
declared goal.  Since they all move in similar social circles (excuse 
the pun), there is a snowball effect.  In complexity theory, there is 
something called the Butterfly Effect, which arises from SDIC 
(Sensitive Dependence upon Initial Conditions); small causes may 
combine to have large effects, such as a butterfly's flight altering an 
updraft resulting in a differently placed storm front ten days later.  
Thus the concatenation of imprint-inspired small measures taken by 
individuals sharing a milieu may snowball towards the effectation of 
the desired goal, and magick happens.

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