According to this updated book, the world's human population
could be fed on grain etc 
(Monsanto and others use lack of food to feed world populations
as one excuse to promote genetic engineering of our foods and Terminator
technology etc)

November 16, 1998

The Myths About World Hunger

The world produces enough grain to provide every human
being on the planet with thirty-five hundred calories a
day, according to a new book by the Institute for Food
and Development Policy (also known as Food First). This
estimate does not take into account many other commonly
eaten foods, such as vegetables, beans, nuts, root
crops, fruits, grass-fed meats and fish. When all foods
are considered together, there is enough to provide at
least 4.3 pounds of food per person a day.

Hunger persists despite the fact that increases in food
production during the past 35 years have outstripped the
world's population growth by about 16%. Worldwide, an
estimated 786 million people have inadequate access to
food. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 30 million people
cannot afford a healthy diet.

According to "World Hunger: Twelve Myths," powerful
misconceptions block our understanding of the true
causes of hunger and thus prevent us from taking
effective action. "The true source of world hunger is
not scarcity but policy; not inevitability but
politics," said Dr. Peter Rosset, Executive Director of
Food First and co-author of the book. "The real culprits
are economies that fail to offer everyone opportunities
and societies that place economic efficiency over

First published in the early 1970s, this updated edition
takes into account multiple changes in the world that
have occurred since that time -- such as the end of the
Cold War, rising hunger in the U.S. and economic
globalization. The information revolution and explosion
of new and advanced technologies have not solved world
hunger, in large part because national and global food
systems today are increasingly controlled by a few
powerful corporate interests. These corporations control
availability and cost of food while the world's millions
of poor are increasingly barred from political decision
making on issues related to production, access and
distribution of food.

Many of the countries in which hunger is rampant export
more agricultural goods than they import. For example,
India ranks near the top among Third World agricultural
exporters. In 1995, while at least 200 million Indians
went hungry, India exported US$625 million worth of
wheat and flour and US$1.3 billion worth of rice, the
two staples of the Indian diet. In addition, the
American Association for the Advancement of Science
found in a 1997 study that 78% of all malnourished
children under five in the developing world live in
countries with food surpluses.

Although rapid population growth remains a serious
concern in many countries, the Food First book states
that nowhere does population density explain hunger.
Like hunger itself, rapid population growth results from
underlying inequities that deprive people, especially
poor women, of economic opportunity and security. Rapid
population growth and hunger are endemic to societies
where land ownership, jobs, education, health care and
old age security are beyond the reach of most people.
Those Third World societies with dramatically successful
reductions of population growth rates -- China,
Colombia, Cuba, Sri Lanka and the Indian state of Kerala
-- prove that the lives of the poor, especially poor
women, must improve before they can choose to have fewer

"World Hunger: Twelve Myths" brings together evidence to
support the case that with different policies in place,
the world could feed itself. For example, large,
industrial farms are not necessarily the most efficient
and productive way to grow food. A study of 15 countries
(primarily in Asia and Africa) found that per-acre
output on small farms can be four to five times higher
than that on large estates. Even comparing output only
on actually cultivated land, small farms are still
significantly more productive. In Japan, the government
carried out major land reform after World War II,
transforming tenant-farmers into owner-cultivators.
Today, Japanese cereal yield per acre is one of the
highest in the world, and these small farmers have
achieved middle-class standards of living.

"Hunger is caused by decisions made by human beings and
can be ended by making different decisions. To be part
of the answer to world hunger means letting go of old
frameworks and grappling with new ideas and approaches,"
said Rosset. "This will enable us to stop twisting our
values so that economic dogma might remain intact while
millions of fellow human beings starve amid ever greater

"World Hunger: Twelve Myths, Second Edition" by Frances
Moore Lappe, Joseph Collins and Peter Rosset with Luis
Esparza is available from Food First for US$13 plus
$4.50 shipping.
Source/contact: Food First/Institute for Food and
Development Policy, 398 60th Street, Oakland, CA 94618;
phone (510) 654-4400; email [EMAIL PROTECTED];

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