Well Margeurite I would love for all animals to have a home to go to-but
the sad fact is, the longer an animal stays in the shelter the lower its
chances of being taken by someone as a pet. Animals will not be better off
in that environment-neither will humans but humans are better survivors
than animals are in captivity. Unless the shelter is more humane than the
many I have been to, it has little or no chance of treating the animals
humanely. Maybe the shelters there in Australia are better than the ones
here in the US, I dont know.


On Sat, 21 Nov 1998, bunny wrote:

> Hi All,
> Lets not use "kind words" for killing. Killing the dogs in refuges is not
> "putting to sleep" or "Euthanasia" in the proper sense of the word, it is
> killing (in my personal view - murder).
> Definition of "Euthanasia" - bringing about of a gentle and painless death
> Dictionary - I put the last words in capitals).
> If you were in a shelter - with food and water and shelter and there was
> a chance of finding you a home, wouldn't you hope for that chance of a happy
> life rather than than choose death?
> Also, why should the dogs suffer death, when their lives should be a
> pleasure except for human cruelty in over breeding dogs and not sterilising
> dogs.
> Marguerite
> Euthanasia almost sounds good in
> > certain circumstances!
> I very much agree. It is very sad to see them in the shelter and I would
> like to think that it would be better to be put to sleep than to have to
> suffer, or to be in a place like that
> > That is why we should change the laws--allow for human euthanasia and
> > change euthanasia for animals to sterilization.
> Very interesting idea....
> ----------
> > From: Bertina Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Compassion to the animals!
> > Date: Thursday, November 19, 1998 6:27 PM
> > 
> > That is why we should change the laws--allow for human euthanasia and
> > change euthanasia for animals to sterilization.
> > 
> > But you know-I have been to an animal shelter and it sickens me the way
> > the poor animals are all just piled up in the shelter with virtually no
> > way for the animals to play or anything. Euthanasia almost sounds good in
> > certain circumstances!
> > 
> >  Bertina
> > On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, bunny wrote:
> > 
> > > The issue of "pet" cats and dogs is that they are deliberately bred by
> > > humans for money and pleasure (all these different breeds did not
> always exist).
> > > People continue to breed more dogs and cats for "pet" purposes and
> > > thousands are euthanased(murdered) each week (millions globally). It
> would
> > > be far better (for the animals) if they were all sterilised and that
> > > eventually there were no more pet dogs and cats but this will probably
> not
> > > happen in my lifetime.
> > > 
> > > Pets are also a money business - for breeders, vets, pet food companies
> and
> > > others. The lucky "pets" end up in good homes, the unlucky ones (and I
> would
> > > say that the unlucky "pets" outweigh the lucky "pets"), end up
> mis-treated,
> > > under-fed, abandoned (eventually) or sent for euthanasia (murder in my
> view).
> > > "Pet" animals are really animals that are exploited by humans who wish
> to "own"
> > > an animal for whatever reason. The "pets" have to fit in with the
> owners or
> > > else they die.
> > > 
> > > Marguerite
> > > 
> > > 
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