Date sent:              Mon, 23 Nov 1998 08:49:28 EST
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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: ecosystemic wisdom and systemic beliefs/misunderstandings

> In a message dated 98-11-22 22:48:49 EST, you write:
> << Among the greatest human fallacies is the blind, fervent and 
>  unbending devotion to destructive dogmas (such as "Go forth and 
>  multiply", "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", and so on).  As to 
>  deific gender, the question you pose as to why pagans assert a 
>  feminine nature to divinity is easily turned around; why is it so 
>  important to you that your god be a father?  It's the same dime. If it 
>  shouldn't be important to us, it shouldn't be important to you.  Joe
>  - >>
> Hi!
> You know what is destructive - taking things out of context!  The bible says
> go forth yes - but the bible also says be careful not to lay brother on
> brother - I do not remember the exact saying - but it implies do not crowd
> each other in - do not overmultiple - in other words use discretion -
> Regarding the witch thing - if God wants all the power - then why does the
> witch want power?  Explain that to me Joe?  Is the power Gods or the witches? 
> Peace!
> Angela

Your god is a jealous, power-hogging, sadistic and vainglorious god 
(and those are his VIRTUES!).  I, for one, would choose Hell 
(although I do not believe in it) rather than having to endure his 
bloated, overweening presence!  You assume that there is only one 
power, and that it is all your god's!  Of all the conceited and self-
serving assumptions!  And you know what is said about 
assumptions, so go ahead and assume!
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Nov 23 17:54:22 1998
From: "Joe E. Dees" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 18:54:17 -0600
Subject: Re: ecosystemic wisdom and systemic beliefs/misunderstandings
In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date sent:              Mon, 23 Nov 1998 09:14:01 EST
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: ecosystemic wisdom and systemic beliefs/misunderstandings

> In a message dated 98-11-23 03:59:31 EST, you write:
> << "original" sin so that we will never again have Eden on earth,
>  but seek it only in heaven.  This I do not, personally,  buy. It doesn not
> fit
>  my personal view of deity.  But I am open to your view that we can have it
>  both ways, so to speak; if you are right, God the Father has changed his
> mind.
>  but here's what I really think: each of us has a spark of the divine in us,
>  and collectively, that is "God": father, mother, whoever.  We seek him all
> our
>  lives, she speaks to us in many voices.  We are the flame-throwers of the
>  flame; Eden IS us, and you are right: we can make it whole again.  It is, in
>  fact, here now, if we but embraced it.  But we must, MUST, come to realize
>  that these sparks of divinity we carry need to unite in love, the love that
> IS
>  god, before anything can happen.  Many seem to me ready for Eden, but
> fighting
>  it with division.  Eden is inclusiveness. BUT, drawing lines cancels out the
>  vision. 
>   >>
> Hi!
> "original sin" and Eve - When Blessed Mary (a woman - an Eve) said YES to God
> - Yes, I will bring the light, the word, the savior to your people - I will
> give birth to your son, Jesus - the sins of Eve were wiped out - Mary became
> the Eve of our salvation with that act of kindess, that act of obedience -
> that purity - that love of God - original sin of Eve was removed - but wait -
> not many believe in Mary nor do they honor her as the Eve of our Salvation -
> how can this be?  Even so-called Christians dismiss her importance to our
> salvation from original sin?  See the problem Jane - the problem isn't that we
> are forever doomed to be without the Garden - the problem is the DIVISION
> among those who can actually save Eden - the Christians who do not honor the
> Mother of our Salvation - the Queen who can save us and bring back Eden - she
> is not honored by the masses!  That is the problem - the inclusiviness is
> everyone to the Spirit in love and obedience and everyone to honor the Mother
> of Salvation as pure to the Spirit -the way we should all be -  in oneness and
> love!
> Peace
> Angela
Please pull the plug on your Fundie freakiness!

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