Date sent:              Sat, 5 Dec 1998 12:28:05 EST
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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: hypocrites?/convictions/spirit/Dominion

> In a message dated 98-12-04 19:35:47 EST, you write:
> << god is charge of everything") is
>  the major cause of oppression in the world today (see Carolyn Merchant, Karen
>  Warren, Rosemary Ruether, and many more) I find absolutely no solace in the
>  prospect of embracing christianity to solve ecological or social problems.
> Plus,
>  your rhetoric consistently smacks of cultural imperialism, another source of
> the
>  world's major problems.
>  Beth >>
> Hi!
> Beth, God actually put us in charge of everything on Earth by giving us
> dominion (rule over) but God intended that we rule as good Kings and Queens
> not spoiled, self-centered, greedy children - There is much support in the
> Bible for that - if you want I can fill your ear!  But we were called upon to
> be mature, whole, rational, kind, caring, merciful, trusting (Like Jesus) For
> goodness sake - he even sent us an example of GOOD RULE - his son!  He sent us
> a human version of what is expected.  Now what's the problem - don't get it?
> Imperialism stems from arrogance and a need to assert more power over the weak
> - God said to be meek -because the meek will inherent the Earth - if  you want
> to be weak - you lose - you have to be strong and rise to the calling!
> I don't care how many ecofeminists books you read  - the truth is the truth is
> the truth - God never attended that we evolve to be unkind to each other and
> the Earth - there is much support in the bible for human kindness and
> environmental stewardship.  I do not care how the ecofeminists authors phrase
> it - or rephrase it -  it boils down to this - The hierarchy is men assuming
> power over instead of assuming their roles as co-partners and co-creators with
> - power with humanity - power with nature - power with God- They have let
> greed blind them and now I think it's time - we have to open their eyes!
> Peace!
> Angela
I think it's time you opened yours.   Joe

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