Date sent:              Sat, 5 Dec 1998 12:37:30 EST
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: hypocrites?/convictions/spirit/Where is the humility?

> In a message dated 98-12-04 19:42:27 EST, you write:
> << god is better (for lack of another
>  term) than people. . .begins the notion that we have to select one part of
>  any dichotomy to "rule" the other, instead of things being equal. (could
>  somebody tell me if I'm way off the mark?)
>   >>
> Hi!
> Where is the humility in your being?
> So what if God is better or perceived as better? - God created me and
> everything that sustains me - Oh course God is better - but God does not say
> call me Mr. Better - God says "Call me your father - call me your loving<
> merciful father - and stop being my arrogant little children!"  Oh course you
> should praise him - praise him with all your being!  Oh course you should
> consider yourself equals men/women - you have proven yourself to be in art,
> music, literature, science, history, . . . Now, don't them forget it!  Don't
> let them portray us as mere objects of pleasure!  
> Peace
> Angela

I'm still awaiting that audiotape, Angela, and not from you - it's 
obvious you could fill an elephant's ear (in your broken promise 
way).  I wanna hear god's voice say what you said he said.  Joe

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