Date sent:              Sat, 5 Dec 1998 06:56:47 EST
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: Rights vs. responsibilities/unnatural defense

> In a message dated 98-12-04 19:58:34 EST, you write:
> << they are both natural parts of life, and without the first, the 
>  second would never happen!          Joe
>   >>
> Hi!  Yes it is a natural thing - however  Women are not here on this planet to
> merely arouse men sexually!   I believe that we are here for more then JUST
> that - but portraying woman as JUST that is merely perverted - woman have
> souls just like men - they are not just tangible objects of pleasure!  They
> have dreams, goals, hopes, fears, talents, skills, visions - real people with
> spirits - not just walking holes - now anything that portrays them as mere sex
> objects is NEGATIVE - I believe we should never defend anyones right to
> portray women as mere sex objects!  We have a responsibility to each other to
> uphold each others dignity as whole natural people - not just objects of
> pleasure!
> Peace!
> Angela

Not just objects of pleasure, but I would never presume to factor the 
pleasure bond out of the equation.  Don't women enjoy beefcake, 
too?  We're not all just disembodied minds (although that's how the 
Net makes it appear).   Joe

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