Date sent:              Sat, 5 Dec 1998 06:46:13 EST
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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: hypocrites?/convictions/spirit/believe whatever/perception

> In a message dated 98-12-04 19:53:33 EST, you write:
> << Truth/falsity are knowledge categories, and as such are scientific 
>  and/or historical.  Religions structured belief systems, and as such 
>  are outside the purview of knowledge; they, being concerned with 
>  the METAphysical or ontological underpinnings of things, can be 
>  neither proven false nor true.  Therefore, the very concept of a "true 
>  religion" is a contradiction in terms ( as is that of a false one).  Joe
>   >>
> Hi!
> But you have to understand that the beliefs stemming from the religion are
> being applied to teaching of knowledge and science and history . . . So
> spirituality is concerned with the metaphycical and onotological underpinnings
> of things - but religion is concerned with applying that spirituality to life
> and how we perceive it!
> Peace!
> Angela

Inasmuch as they are applied to science, they are misapplied (cf. 
the Creation Science Institute).   Joe

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