To everyone, I think it is a sad day when intolerance of someones beliefs
is causing that person to leave the listserv. I am an atheist and feel
that I would not have stressed my atheism at all if someone had not
stressed their beliefs, but that doesnt mean that people should be


On Fri, 11 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 98-12-11 04:09:26 EST, you write:
> << 
>  but, let's not forget to honor everyone as a teacher, even if the lesson
> comes
>  in a strange way.  Love, jane
>   >>
> Hi!
> It's me again, I need unsubscribing info If anyone has it.  Can I just add
> this - I do not want to unsubscribe but I  feel to frustrated to stay - I want
> to keep exchanging so that we can grow in understanding, respect and trust -
> afterall that is what love is - love isn't just a valentines card on
> Valentines day, love isn't just saying Ok you be you and I'll be me - love is
> trying to understand each other, compromising when we can, - love isn't just
> an accomodating position - but like a oak in the wind - willing to bend - love
> is an expression of thanks - and shared concern.  I am really thankful for the
> exchange and concerned that I tried to clear up misunderstandings about
> dominion, dualism and patriarchial Christianity and I was written off as a
> radical fanatic intolerant bug!  
> You ask me to be tolerant - now why weren't you tolerant of my explanations?
> You ask me to be accomodating - now why weren't my posts accomodated instead
> of ridiculed?
> You ask me to be understanding - now why don't you understand that you have
> some serious misunderstandings that I can help clear up?
> Understand?
> Can't you at least be the kind of person you expect others to be?
> I was not intolerant -
> Intolerant:  narrowminded
>  I was not willing to embrace what I perceive as lies or misunderstandings -
> there's a difference - If I was intolerant I would have been off the list many
> posts ago.  I am, however, adamant that I am in possession of the truth - if
> you feel that you are in possession of the truth - please express it so that
> it is understood to be truth without lies to support it.  Maybe we can really
> reach an understanding.  Or is it that you keep your truth and I'll keep mine?
> Maybe you can teach me something:  How many truths are there to the light?
> Peace!
> Angela

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