At Sat, 23 Jan 1999 22:01:44 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 1/23/99 1:54:37 PM Pacific Standard Time,
><< The moment he stops insisting that people who eat meat would enslave,
>torture and murder other people, I will stop maintaining otherwise. >>
>I've never said that humanimals who eat nonhumanimals are inclined to enslave,
>torture, and murder other humanimals .. human racism prevents that in most
>cases .. i'm suggesting the end of human racism ..
Humanimals?  Is that like the flip side of cow-person?  The fact is that there are 
obvious differences petween homo sapiens sapiens and the other species with which we 
share this sphere, chief among them being that they lack the ability to participate in 
this debate (go ahead and invite your cow-person to type her "moos" here).  That is 
not a strong point for those who purport to speak in their stead (it's the same 
argument antiabortionists make).  When you invoke their jargon and use the same verbal 
battering rams (Nazi, slavemaster) pioneered by them, you may fully expect for your 
expropriation to be noted.  It is not human racism to acknowledge actually existing 
differences between humans and other species, any more than it is sexism to note that 
males can't nurse young, or antisemitism to note that only semitic people are 
genetically susceptible to Tay-Sach's Disease, or that sickle cell anemia 
preponderantly occurs in blacks.  It is, however a function of empty rhetoric a!
nd willful blindness to deny such differences while yet staring them in the 
Joe E. Dees
Poet, Pagan, Philosopher

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