At 08:55 AM 1/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Respecting someone inflicting suffering-damn veggies know how to make a
>meat eater feel guilty. Guess what, I will still eat meat. Respecting
>tribal life is not respecting suffering or the infliction of suffering.
>And as regards to "arent plants alive" argument, I didnt bring it up, a
>vegetarian who doesnt have the guts to reveal their real name started that

Hmmm... in the end, whether you respect the suffering or not does not 
really matter.  What you permit, does.

- Charlotte.

> On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> At 02:42 AM 1/21/99 EST, you wrote:
>> >I have been following this debate with much interest for a personal
>> reason.  I
>> >am the companion of three rescued potbellied pigs.  They are most
>> >thinking, feeling beings who feel pain and fear for their survival.  When
>> pigs
>> >are slaughtered, they are said to cry.  I once heard the story of a pig
>> >was raised by a family to be eaten.  On the day of his slaughter, the
pig hid
>> >in a corner and refused to eat.  Pigs do not have a hypothalamus to
>> >their hunger and are always ready to eat.  One could infer that the pig
>> >it was going to die. I respect everyone's choice in eating dead animals,
>> buy I
>> >cannot understand it.
>> >
>> But in "respecting" their choice to eat dead animals, do you infer that you
>> also respect their choice to inflict intentional suffering and fear?
>> Just curious.
>> - Charlotte.

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