Here is something from another list that I though Ecofem readers would 
find interesting, about environmental justice, viewing the earth as our 
mother, etc.


Catherine Lavender
U. of Colorado-Boulder

"If I can't dance, it's not my revolution"--Emma Goldman

---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 23:54:49 -0600
> Subject: Letter to Editor - Wall at NM/Mexico Border
> Original Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus Cunejo)
Letter to the Editor
Printed in The El Paso Times Friday March 10,1995
We indigenous peoples of this land oppose further violation of our
sacred Mother Earth.  To scar her with a dividing wall would be a
disrespectful act, not only to her, but to our brothers and sisters
to the south.  Mexico, for many of us, is where our roots begin.
We belong to Mother Earth, she does not belong to us.  We feel that
this wall is a blatantly racist act and will not condone this
barbed wire mentality.
Cindy Rivera
El Paso, TX
Printed in El Paso Times Sunday March 12,1995
I am against the building of the wall.  My father is an Ashiwi
(Zuni) from Zuni Pueblo, NM.  He has always told me of when the
Zuni people split in two.  Half the people stayed put, the other
traveled south where the parrots roost.  My mother's people, the
Dine (Navajo), recognize a group of mexican indians as their
brothers and sisters.  Even going as far as giving economic aid to
them.  Another group of people speaking the Dine language live in
Canada.  This brings me to say, we are one people on this continent
of North America.  <It is only the interpretation of the
humanitarian laws of these European Cultures, both Spain and
England, that borders and physical fences have to be put in place.>
<not printed> I don't think God wants us to treat each other this
way.  I really think, for once people should really do what God
says to do.  Not to conquer, not to make slaves of people, but to
love one another as you would love yourself.
Thaddeus Cunejo
El Paso, TX

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