On Thu, 23 Mar 1995, Dancing Hummingbird /aka Joy Williams wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Mar 1995, Bertina Miller wrote:
> > a connection to all living things including the Earth. The concept of the 
> > Earth as a living thing is fine, but I do draw a line as to what sort of 
> > living thing it is. 

> Err, what is the difference between living things?  Is one sort any more 
> or less alive or more or less important?  I don't think that anyone here 
> who is a spiritual person sees one thing as more or less sacred or alive 
> than anything else.

I think, Joy, that we have to admit that there in the view of many people 
there is a difference between saying the earth is a living thing -- the 
way a microbe, or a plant, or a dog is a living thing -- and saying that 
the earth is "my mother".  The former carries no implicit "hierarchical" 
ranking of living things, whereas the latter *can* be read (perhaps 
inaccurately) as carrying a notion of "priveleging" that which is 
sacred.  Perhaps you do not mean or believe this -- but sacralizing 
language has been "tainted" by patriarchal religion with its hierarchical 
patterning of the world.


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