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> FYI...
> Stefanie Rixecker
> ECOFEM Coordinator
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> From: L. Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> UTA Conference on the Suppressions
> and Reassertions of The Female Principle
> in Human Cultures.
> University of Texas at Arlington,
> March 30-April 1, 2000.
>  This conference recognizes the suppression
> of femaleness as a primary meaning of
> Western and other cultures over a long
> period. It seeks to identify, document,
> account for, and interpret this suppression
> via the specific forms it takes from early
> periods to the present, and to identify and
> describe newly developing practices that
> counter it. Exposures, descriptions, and
> theorizations of such suppression may be
> essential to projecting a future for femaleness
> in human societies.
> We invite proposals from all fields of the
> humanities and the social and behavioral
> sciences. Papers may deal exclusively with
> suppressions (including concealments of
> suppression) and their cultural contexts,
> with the figures or contents suppressed,
> with examples of femaleness that
> uncharacteristically elude suppression or
> otherwise counter it, or with re-emergences,
> or combinations of these, and may draw on
> the following as a possible framework:
> Bearing a positive social value in an
> advanced Asian society as late as the seventh
> century, the female principle sinks into
> general anathema in the West by the time of
> classical civilization, and into near
> oblivion by the time of the early church.
> There it remains, under powerful forms of
> social repression, into the twentieth century.
> Then, via numerous separate discourses,
> pluralist thought creates a climate of
> opinion in which femaleness can re-emerge
> in literary, philosophical, religious,
> and other languages under a positive sign.
> Papers may be descriptive, an/or interpretive
> or theoretical accounts of specific forms of
> suppression, such as the sexual; of forms
> taken by coverups of suppression; of cultural
> contexts mandating suppression; and of
> femaleness eluding suppression or otherwise
> countering it--all these in discourses and
> social practices worldwide. Cross-disciplinary
> and new theoretical approaches are encouraged.
> Submission Information:
> See the following page or send inquiries to:
> Postal mail:
> Conference on the Female Principle
> Department of English 19035
> University of Texas at Arlington
> Arlington, Texas 760l9
> Ph. 817-272-2692
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> ************************************
> Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
> Division of Environmental Management & Design
> Lincoln University, Canterbury
> PO Box 84
> Aotearoa New Zealand
> Fax: 64-03-325-3841
> ************************************

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