Asian women hail UN sex-slave ruling 

TOKYO (AP) - Supporters of Asian women forced into sexual slavery by
Japan's army during World War II praised a U.N. resolution Saturday urging
compensation from Tokyo. In a 15-2 resolution Thursday, the U.N.
Subcommission on Human Rights stressed that under international law,
governments are responsible for war crimes and other rights violations
committed by their soldiers. The U.N. rejected Japanese claims that it has
already compensated war victims sufficiently, and is under no obligation to
give more money. Former comfort women and groups that represent them said
the U.N. resolution will help them obtain restitution from a government
that they claim wishes the issue would simply disappear. See full story

Bullfight law broken in Portugal 

BARRANCOS, Portugal (AP) - Two Latin American matadors delighted spectators
in this remote Portuguese town Sunday by killing the bulls they had just
fought, defying legislation banning the practice. Unlike in the Spanish
bullfighting tradition, where killing the animal culminates the fight, in
Portugal the bulls are normally led away to be slain later in an abattoir.
But not in Barrancos. Residents here say neither a 1928 law nor more recent
coup changed their 300-year-old traditional bullfight, held during the
town's annual summer festival. Hundreds of people sat in the specially
constructed wooden ring in high-spirited tension before the two bulls were
killed. See full story

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